Уровень C2 отличается от C1, помимо прочего, вниманием к мелочам и деталям, а к ним относятся и предлоги. Вот десяток-другой примеров, в которых даже продвинутые пользователи часто делают ошибки. I. Существительное с предлогом, но соответствующий глагол – без предлога: an influence ON sth – to influence sth • The new policy had a positive INFLUENCE ON SALES. It INFLUENCED SALES so much that they became non-existent and we don’t have to worry about them anymore. a discussion ABOUT sth – to discuss sth • We had a meaningful DISCUSSION ABOUT PornHub with some colleagues. We DISCUSSED WAYS to access it from the office computers. an impact ON sth – to impact sth • Carrots are said to have a significant IMPACT ON EYESIGHT but they can only IMPACT EYESIGHT when you eat them. II. Разные предлоги с приставкой и без нее: dependent ON – independent OF • She’s still DEPENDENT ON her father for money but she pretends she isn’t. • We’re INDEPENDENT OF stereotypes here, but we are just a bit suspicious of strangers. III. Разные предлоги могут выражать разное значение: complain OF – жаловаться на боль, недомогание и т.п. • He COMPLAINED OF chest pains but still continued his 60-a-day smoking routine. complain ABOUT – жаловаться, выражать недовольство • They COMPLAINED ABOUT the service, weather, accommodation, exchange rates – everything. shout AT, throw AT – кричать на, бросить в • Calm down and stop SHOUTING AT me, won’t you? • I THREW a brick AT him but the fucker ducked and managed to escape. shout TO, throw TO – крикнуть или бросить кому-то • He SHOUTED TO her but she was wearing her headphones and couldn’t care less. • You are grounded, son. You aren’t supposed to be THROWING knives TO people, let alone AT them. IV. Структура фразы или предложения тоже может влиять на выбор предлога: an (dis)advantage OF • One of the main ADVANTAGES OF living here is that you don’t have to vote. They appoint the right candidates themselves. THERE IS an advantage/a disadvantage IN (or TO) • THERE IS an advantage IN not owning an iPhone – you don’t have to get a new one every six months. • THERE IS a minor disadvantage TO being pitch perfect. Every False note you hear will give you the creeps. search FOR – IN search OF • I did a SEARCH FOR available teaching jobs but they all require teaching knowledge. I’m still IN SEARCH OF one that doesn’t. need FOR – IN need OF • They said my essay was IN NEED OF improvement, but I’m sure there’s no NEED FOR that. hope FOR – IN the hope OF • I see some HOPE FOR a better future. In fact, I’m still IN THE HOPE OF winning the lottery. interest FOR – IN the interest(s) OF • It’s all IN THE INTERESTS OF national security. The government has no INTEREST FOR you. praise FOR – IN praise OF • She received a lot of PRAISE FOR her latest album. In fact, The Guardian ran a huge article IN PRAISE OF it. support FOR – IN support OF • They didn’t show much SUPPORT FOR our brilliant ideas because they get a lot of funding IN SUPPORT OF theirs. V. И на закуску – три выражения с разными предлогами, которые означают одно и то же. take pride IN be proud OF pride yourself ON • She TAKES PRIDE IN her kids. She’s so PROUD OF them she posts their pictures on Instagram every day. She really PRIDES HERSELF ON being such an excellent mother. ================= 14 сентября battle4britain.com

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